European Journal of
Advanced Agricultural Research

The total number of results is 1086. Page 15 from 72.


Factors Affecting Performance of Indian Murrah Buffalo: A Review Authors

Factors Affecting Performance of Indian Murrah Buffalo: A Review Authors

Isolation and Characterization of Mannheimia varigena from a Murrah Buffalo Authors

Isolation and Characterization of Mannheimia varigena from a Murrah Buffalo Authors

Surgical Management of Cranial Cervical Esophageal Diverticulum in a Buffalo

Surgical Management of Cranial Cervical Esophageal Diverticulum in a Buffalo

Differences in Blood and Milk Fatty Acid Profile of Primiparous and Multiparous Mediterranean Buffaloes Cows During Transition Period and Early Lactation Authors

Differences in Blood and Milk Fatty Acid Profile of Primiparous and Multiparous Mediterranean Buffaloes Cows During Transition Period and Early Lactation Authors

Outbreak of Fatal Subacute Bubaline Fasciolosis in Wayanad, Kerala, India

Outbreak of Fatal Subacute Bubaline Fasciolosis in Wayanad, Kerala, India

Genetic and Phenotypic Analysis of Meat Quality Traits in Buffalo Beef and Correlations to Carcass Composition

Genetic and Phenotypic Analysis of Meat Quality Traits in Buffalo Beef and Correlations to Carcass Composition

On Morphology and Morphometry of Trichuris ovis Abildgaard, 1795 Recovered from Ruminants of Ladakh, India

On Morphology and Morphometry of Trichuris ovis Abildgaard, 1795 Recovered from Ruminants of Ladakh, India

Overview on Reproductive Endocrine Aspects in Buffalo

Overview on Reproductive Endocrine Aspects in Buffalo

Puerperal Tetanus in Water Buffalo - A Case Report

Puerperal Tetanus in Water Buffalo - A Case Report

Technologies Related with the Artificial Insemination in Buffalo

Technologies Related with the Artificial Insemination in Buffalo

Genomic Structure and Promoter Analysis of the Bubalus Bubalis Leptin Gene Authors

Genomic Structure and Promoter Analysis of the Bubalus Bubalis Leptin Gene Authors

Molecular Tools in Buffalo's Characterization: Practical Applications. A Review Authors

Molecular Tools in Buffalo's Characterization: Practical Applications. A Review Authors

The Pregnancy Diagnosis in Buffalo Species: Laboratory Methods

The Pregnancy Diagnosis in Buffalo Species: Laboratory Methods

Ultrasonography and Reproduction in Buffalo

Ultrasonography and Reproduction in Buffalo

Bioactive Compounds of Acai (Euterpe oleracea) and the Effect of their Consumption on Oxidative Stress Markers

Bioactive Compounds of Acai (Euterpe oleracea) and the Effect of their Consumption on Oxidative Stress Markers
The total number of results is 1086.
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