Public Paper
Z-source Converter for PMSM Based Grid Connected Wind Power Conversion
ISSN: 2195-1381Publisher: author   
Z-source Converter for PMSM Based Grid Connected Wind Power Conversion
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Recently proposed ZSI (Impedance source inverter) has unique boost capability which is not there in traditional VSI or CSI. The paper addresses the major problem of instability in wind mill power generation connected to grid and a solution of short disturbances in generated power is proposed utilising the buck boost capability of ZSI. Different switching control techniques have been applied to the ZSI to feed low harmonic quality power to the grid. The most suitable technique is chosen and implemented to find out the performance of the system. The paper ends up with an overview of ride through capabilities under wind generator voltage dip and surge conditions through a suitable control of ZSI shoot-through duty cycle. Index Terms— ZSI, Converter, Wind Power, PMSM
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Santosh Sonar, Tanmoy Maity
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