Public Paper
A New Efficient Technique for Islanding Detection with Reduce Non-Detection Zones for Wind Turbine as Distributed Gene...
ISSN: 2195-1381Publisher: author   
A New Efficient Technique for Islanding Detection with Reduce Non-Detection Zones for Wind Turbine as Distributed Gene...
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Nowadays, renewable energies have taken special place in power systems, and most of the distributed generations (DGs) in the power system also utilize these types of energy resources. Due to the DGs advantages, including the use of renewable energy which are not polluting environment and owning endless nature, the use of these resources to produce electrical energy in the world are being increased. One problem with such generators is the unwanted islanding phenomenon. In this paper, a new technique to detect islanding conditions has been proposed, and since the method is a combination of previous methods, its performance is much more appropriate than those previous methods. This method is efficient either for DGs connecting to the network through inverter or without inverter. Since the technique is a hybrid method of previous methods so it has so much better performance than the previous methods. Simulation results which are carried o...
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Farid Hashemi
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