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Public Paper

    Farm Animals: Culprits and Victims of Global Warming and Climate Change

    ISSN: en

    Publisher: author   

Farm Animals: Culprits and Victims of Global Warming and Climate Change
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Abstract This paper examines livestock as culprits and victims of climate change. The farm animal sector is the single largest anthropogenic user of land, contributing to many environmental problems, including global warming and climate change. It is now an established fact that livestock are largely responsible for climate change through belching, flatulence, degradation of plant covers that act as carbon sink. It is estimated that this sector caused 37% methane emission and 9% of carbon dioxide (Co2) output and that it also used 8% of the world’s water. As the numbers of farm animals reared for meat, egg and dairy cows increase so do emissions from their production. This rise in the number of livestock reared threatens to exacerbate climatic imbalances. It highlights climatic change outcomes of heat stress, drought and flooding as severely affecting vegetation composition and distribution and thereby affecting availability of pasture for f...

International Category Code (ICC):
Nseabasi Nsikakabasi Etim, Edem Effiong Offiong, Unwana Anietie Ukpan..
International Article Address (IAA): IAA.ZONE/en8226en
Paper Profile: Private
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Paper Evaluation: Pending
ASI-Factor: 0
Paper Improving: Pending
Paper Flaws: 0

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