Public Paper
Effect of Micro Pore Diffusion in Non-Isothermal Modeling of Methane Adsorption on Activated Carbon
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Effect of Micro Pore Diffusion in Non-Isothermal Modeling of Methane Adsorption on Activated Carbon
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Importance of the diffusion in micro pores of particles and effect of particle geometry in the modeling of non-isothermal adsorption process has been showed. Uptake data of calculation without and with diffusion equation have been confirmed that significant difference exists between these two cases and diffusion resistance cannot be neglected. For various particle shapes effect of particle geometry has been investigated. In a cylindrical vessel filled with activated carbon in two shapes of spherical and cylindrical pellet, equation of continuity, energy and diffusion have been solved simultaneously. Gas is considered compressible and Peng-Robinson equation and Langmuir equilibrium relation were used to calculate of compressibility factor and isotherm data respectively. Results indicated that spherical particles showed higher rate of adsorption than cylindrical particles. In both kinds of particles when radius of particle has been incr...
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M. Mirzaei, A. Azimi
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