Public Paper
Exergoeconomic Multiobjective Optimization of a Cogeneration Plant System Using Evolutionary Algorithm
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Exergoeconomic Multiobjective Optimization of a Cogeneration Plant System Using Evolutionary Algorithm
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In this paper, multi-objective genetic algorithms are employed for a combined heat and power plant for cogeneration purposes that produces 30 MW of electricity and 14 kg/s of saturated steam at 20 bar. This CHP plant is a CGAM cycle which composed of two air compressors with intermediate intercooler. Optimization procedures are performed at two stages. At first, single objective optimization is done and the extremum values of objective functions are calculated separately. And then the method of NSGA-II is used for multi-objective optimization. The objective functions are the total cost rate of the system product including cost rate of each equipment (sum of the operating cost, related to the fuel consumption) and exergetic efficiency. The thermoeconomic objective is minimized while the exergetic objective is maximized. The design variables are compressor pressure ratio, compressor isentropic efficiency, gas turbine isentropic efficien...
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Ehsan Khorasani Nejad, Hadi Choopan, S. Morteza Javadpour
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