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Double-Diffusive Natural Convection in a Porous Enclosure Heating from Below and Salting from Top
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Double-Diffusive Natural Convection in a Porous Enclosure Heating from Below and Salting from Top
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The effect of partial heated and salted elements on double-diffusive natural convection in a two-dimensional rectangular cavity filled with a fluid-saturated porous medium is investigated numerically. In this present study, it is assumed that the vertical walls are at the constant temperature and uniform concentration. Bottom wall is party adiabatic and party with constant heat flux. At the top wall, a salting source of constant length is subjected to higher concentration, while the rest of it is insulated. Problem has been analyzed using the finite volume method. The grid layout was arranged by utilizing Quick scheme were adopted for the convection- diffusion terms for calculation in the fluid domain. The Brinkman-Darcy-Forchheimer extended model was used as momentum equations in the porous medium. Density of the saturated fluid mixture is assumed to be uniform over all the enclosure, exception made to the buoyancy term, in which it ...
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Abdol Majid Abaiebaghri, Saeed Tavassolpour, Amin Reza Noghrehabadi, ..
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