Journal of
Advanced Educational Sciences

The total number of results is 338. Page 2 from 22.


100 Years of Birth Prof. d.p.n. Elka Petrova-Katova. Life and creativity for the prosperity of the Bulgarian pre-school education

100 Years of Birth Prof. d.p.n. Elka Petrova-Katova. Life and creativity for the prosperity of the Bulgarian pre-school education

110 Years from the Birth of Nikola Vaptsarov. Vaptsarov international prize “The sea and the machines”

110 Years from the Birth of Nikola Vaptsarov. Vaptsarov international prize “The sea and the machines”

Education and sports – jetic essential for Albanian social association

Education and sports – jetic essential for Albanian social association

Some ideas on using GEOGEBRA aiming at learning the concept of pyramid in mathematics teaching

Some ideas on using GEOGEBRA aiming at learning the concept of pyramid in mathematics teaching

Establishing the level of sports preparedness of 8–10-year old kickboxers

Establishing the level of sports preparedness of 8–10-year old kickboxers

Influence of physical activity on the formation of personal traits according to enquiry

Influence of physical activity on the formation of personal traits according to enquiry

Comparative analysis of physical growth and weight indicators between pivot and other handball posts 19-years

Comparative analysis of physical growth and weight indicators between pivot and other handball posts 19-years

Biomechanical analysis of the figth by frontal head preasure on the chest of the opponent i sumo

Biomechanical analysis of the figth by frontal head preasure on the chest of the opponent i sumo

Average values and variability of the physical capacity indicators at 15 – 16-years old students

Average values and variability of the physical capacity indicators at 15 – 16-years old students

Difficulties in initial swimming education

Difficulties in initial swimming education

Evalution of useful skills on children and students with impered vision – an empirical study

Evalution of useful skills on children and students with impered vision – an empirical study

Language impact towards anxiety and aggression of at-risk children

Language impact towards anxiety and aggression of at-risk children

My first pedagogical experiences student contest – a good academic tradition

My first pedagogical experiences student contest – a good academic tradition

Concert performances in support of the future musical pedagogue

Concert performances in support of the future musical pedagogue

Research of the motivation and long-term objectives of Bulgarian and Serbian students

Research of the motivation and long-term objectives of Bulgarian and Serbian students
The total number of results is 338.
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