German Journal of
Zoology Research

The total number of results is 415. Page 15 from 27.


Unripe Fruit's Extract of Quince (Cydonia oblonga Miller) as a Potent Alpha-amylase Inhibitor

Unripe Fruit's Extract of Quince (Cydonia oblonga Miller) as a Potent Alpha-amylase Inhibitor

Induction of Carbendazim Resistance in Aspergillus niger through Mutagens

Induction of Carbendazim Resistance in Aspergillus niger through Mutagens

Serum Immunoglobulin A (IgA) in Lichen Planus

Serum Immunoglobulin A (IgA) in Lichen Planus

Study the Response of Cucumber Plant to Different Magnetic Fields

Study the Response of Cucumber Plant to Different Magnetic Fields

Biodeterioration of Polyethylene High Density by Aspergillus versicolor and Aspergillus terreus

Biodeterioration of Polyethylene High Density by Aspergillus versicolor and Aspergillus terreus

Traditional Dye Yielding Plants of Firozabad, U.P., India

Traditional Dye Yielding Plants of Firozabad, U.P., India

Molecular Characterization of Nepali Potato Cultivars using Randomly Amplified Polymorphic DNA (RAPD) Markers

Molecular Characterization of Nepali Potato Cultivars using Randomly Amplified Polymorphic DNA (RAPD) Markers

Total Serum Cholesterol Level in Cases of Carcinoma Breast – A Correlative Study

Total Serum Cholesterol Level in Cases of Carcinoma Breast – A Correlative Study

Diversity of Termitomyces in Kodagu and Need for Conservation

Diversity of Termitomyces in Kodagu and Need for Conservation

Effect of Seed Priming on Some Characteristic of Seedling and Seed Vigor of Tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum)

Effect of Seed Priming on Some Characteristic of Seedling and Seed Vigor of Tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum)

Using of Chroococcus sp. to Treat Polluted Water with Cadmium & Nickel

Using of Chroococcus sp. to Treat Polluted Water with Cadmium & Nickel

Studies of Selected Water Quality Parameters of River Ganges at Patna, Bihar

Studies of Selected Water Quality Parameters of River Ganges at Patna, Bihar

Effect of Adhatoda vasica (L.) Nees Leaf Extract Prepared by two Different Methods on Mitosis of Root Meristematic Cells of Allium cepa L.

Effect of Adhatoda vasica (L.) Nees Leaf Extract Prepared by two Different Methods on Mitosis of Root Meristematic Cells of Allium cepa L.

Antagonistic Bioactivity of Endophytic Actinomycetes Isolated from Medicinal Plants

Antagonistic Bioactivity of Endophytic Actinomycetes Isolated from Medicinal Plants

Effect of Anaerobically Digested Slurry of Cow Dung and Kitchen Waste on the Seed Quality in Okra (Abelmoschus esculentus L.)

Effect of Anaerobically Digested Slurry of Cow Dung and Kitchen Waste on the Seed Quality in Okra (Abelmoschus esculentus L.)
The total number of results is 415.
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