Public Paper
Comparison of Imperialist Competitive Algorithm with GA and PSO in Optimization of Fin and Tube Heat Exchanger
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Comparison of Imperialist Competitive Algorithm with GA and PSO in Optimization of Fin and Tube Heat Exchanger
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In this paper, Imperialist Competitive Algorithms (ICA) is compared with two common optimization algorithms namely Genetic Algorithm (GA) and Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) algorithm for design and optimization of plain fin-and-tube heat exchanger (FTHE). For this purpose, after thermal modeling of FTHE using  method, this equipment was optimized to obtain the minimum total annual cost. The design parameters are selected as: longitudinal pitch, transversal pitch, fin pitch, number of tube pass, tube diameter, cold stream flow length, no-flow length and hot stream flow length. The three mentioned algorithms are compared in both convergence and computational time. The best optimum value is obtained by ICAthat is 1.3% and 2.9% better in comparison with the best results obtained by GA and PSO. In addition the ICAshows the better convergence time when it is compared with GA and PSO.
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Ehsan Khorasani Nejad, Hassan Hajabdollahi
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